Harmony Celebrates 13th Years

Posted on Sat, Sep 12, 2015:

Sunday Sept 13,2015 3:30pm

Join the Harmony church family as we celebrate another year of ministry.The services begin Sunday Morning Sept 13 in our 11:30am Morning worship service where Pastor Jones will be preaching on the subject "The Danger of Missing Church" John 20:19-26.The Celebration continues the same afternoon @3:330pm with Special Guest Churches:

Peoples M.B.C

Rev.Germaine Anderson,Pastor(Speaker)

Elisabeth M.B.C

Rev.Rommel Jackson,Pastor

Ephesians M.B.C

Rev.Jeremiah Captain,Pastor

Antioch M.B.C

Rev Alvin Dickson,Pastor

The Voices of Harmony will be ministering in song and this promises to be a awesome day of worhip.For more info contact Church Office @ 510-236-2100.


©2024, Harmony Missionary Baptist Church of Richmond CA